It is a good idea to open a separate bank account for your business to have better division of your private and business economy.
For personally owned companies like a one-person company (enkeltmandsvirksomhed in Danish) it is not required by law, but many banks will require that you have separate accounts.
Usually, the price is around 1.500 DKK to open a business account and around 100 DKK each month after that, compared to which bank you are using.
You can find more information at
If you are a private customer at Danske Bank it will cost you 2.000 DKK and if you aren’t then it will cost you 4.000 DKK for the establishment process plus 99 DKK every month.
We advise you to call Danske Bank to have a talk about your visions about your company so they can help you further along.
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